Equine Acupuncture
Acupuncture is a powerful addition to your horse’s health care program. Some of the reasons people choose acupuncture for their horse include:
To find out if acupuncture might benefit your horse...
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A famous Chinese quote states:
Tong zhi bu tong, bu tong zhi tong
Free flow means there is no pain,
pain means there is no free flow.
If blood is circulating freely there is no pain in the body. When something is impeding the flow there is pain.
This famous quote sums up what acupuncture can do for the body. Numerous western scientific studies have shown that acupuncture improves the circulation into the targeted area. This means that with acupuncture all the substances that circulate in the blood can more easily get into a problem area and do their job soothing and healing.
The body’s natural pain killers called endorphins circulate in the blood, so do hormones, oxygen from the air breathed, natural anti-inflammatory substances, and nutrients from the foods eaten. In addition, the circulation carries away waste products which if they build up in an area are a cause of inflammation and toxicity.
This famous quote sums up what acupuncture can do for the body. Numerous western scientific studies have shown that acupuncture improves the circulation into the targeted area. This means that with acupuncture all the substances that circulate in the blood can more easily get into a problem area and do their job soothing and healing.
The body’s natural pain killers called endorphins circulate in the blood, so do hormones, oxygen from the air breathed, natural anti-inflammatory substances, and nutrients from the foods eaten. In addition, the circulation carries away waste products which if they build up in an area are a cause of inflammation and toxicity.